The STOW Implementation Board

The STOW Implementation Board

The STOW Implementation Board has been established to allow the energy operating companies in both the upstream and downstream to a) agree upon the minimum HSE requirements they will use when procuring goods and services and b) communicate these to contractors, service companies and suppliers.

The role of the STOW Implementation Board is to govern the process by which the minimum requirements are set, communicated, implemented and assessed.

The STOW Implementation Board comprises Senior HSE representatives of the upstream and downstream operating companies who would have signed the STOW Charter.

The Board has the final say regarding the granting of certification. The Board is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the STOW programme and for hearing and determining appeals from organisations or individuals concerning any aspect of the certification process or authorization of Independent Assessors.

The Members of the STOW Implementation Board are as follows:

Fitzroy Harewood - Chairman (Point Lisas Nitrogen Limited)
Dr. Thackwray Driver - The Energy Chamber of Trinidad & Tobago

Jerson Wattie (The National Gas Company of Trinidad & Tobago)
Neil Persad (EOG Resources)
Maria Cristina Legarza (Repsol)
Clint Khan (Shell Trinidad & Tobago)

Lydia Lee Chong - (Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited)
Pramechan Nandlal (PROMAN Trinidad & Tobago)
Nalini Seeram-Rajpaulsingh (YARA Trinidad Limited)
Jason Marson (Nu Iron Unlimited)